


An independent and competent audit provides owners and the general public with a sense of security over the company’s financial position and the correctness of its accounts. Our audit is based on understanding the client’s economic activities, and evaluating the related risks. We audit reports prepared according to the Estonian Accounting Act and IFRS, project reports funded by the public sector, EU and other sources. We conduct our audit in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing.


In cases where the client does not require confirmation on the correctness of the financial information but, rather, confirmation on that the financial information is free of material misstatements, we conduct a review of the client’s accounts. The degree of assurance of the conclusions of a review is lower than that of the audit; a review is quicker and less costly than an audit. We conduct our review in accordance with the International Standards on Review Engagements.

Packaging audit

The purpose of a packaging audit is to provide an assessment of compliance of the packaging reporting with requirements of the Packaging Act. The item that is audited is the packaging report.

Funcions arising from the Commercial Code

We perform all the functions of an auditor specified in the Commercial Code, including:

  • expressing an opinion on the valuation of non-monetary contribution, final balance sheet, asset distribution plan, merger and division agreement;
  • conducting a special audit

Business advisory

NWe advise companies in the conclusion of acquisition, sales, merger and division transactions. We conduct due diligence procedures within the framework of the above transactions.

Financial advisory

Budgeting, analysis, cost optimization, complicated accounting transactions, consolidation, analysis of accounting systems and communication flows are only a few of the areas in which we can be of assistance.

Tax consulting

We provide the complete range of tax-related services. We assist our clients in planning their taxes and solving tax problems, and help to come up with efficient solutions for optimizing taxes as early as in the course of business planning. In the quickly changing economic environment, tax-related services are increasingly becoming complete solutions, where the effect of several different tax laws must be taken into account alongside the laws regulating business activities in both Estonia and abroad.

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